
2007/05/21 19:44





  這樣的你,就有如孤兒。「內在的大我」是整體,擁有「內在的大我」表示你跟整體有接觸。人類意識的整體總加起來遠遠大於個體的意識。這不只是1 + 1 = 2,而是1 +1 = 4,這就是所謂的「綜合浮現」(Synergetic emergence)。氫加氧形成水,但是水的特性卻跟氫或氧徹底截然的不同。這個浮現出來的意識可稱為神或是宇宙意識。而這個宇宙意識就是所謂的「內在的大我」。


  說到這裡,我們已經知道「內在的大我」是甚麼,你又為甚麼需要「內在的大我」。現在,我要告訴你「內在的大我」要覺醒,究竟是怎麼發生的。基本上在我們的社會裡,我們所接受到的學校教育、生活教養跟生活型態,都不允許我們去經驗及表達自己的情緒。你是相當壓抑的。因此,人們要接觸「內在的大我」有其困難之處。所以一旦你接觸到自己壓抑的情緒,而且一旦你邀請「內在的大我」與你的整個心完全同在,「內在的大我」就會以它所選擇的樣子、或是你期望的樣子在你的內在覺醒。 擁有「內在的大我」是人類的自然狀態,就像是呼吸或消化一樣自然。


ps.感謝Deeksha giver  郭貞伶的翻譯。


What is the Antaryamin and how does the Antaryamin awaken in us?

We often use the word God, but God means different things to different people. But actually we can define God as your higher sacred self, higher intelligence, or higher consciousness.

 Sometimes you might have seen hundreds of birds flying like one bird. Have you seen this? So, actually you can know that the whole group has got a single consciousness, but the individual bird will follow the consciousness of the whole pack. Sometimes you will find one or two birds dropping out and again they get back to the main flock. If we say that the individual bird is you, then that full total bird consisting of all birds is the Antaryamin. It can be called God or higher intelligence etc. So when we say you have the Antaryamin or that Antaryamin is awakened , what it means is you are the part, are in touch with the whole. In the flock of birds, if one bird drops out of the group, two or three birds come out and help that bird to go and join back. Only then the whole thing can function. So as long as the small bird is following the big pack, you can say the small bird is following the will of the group or the pack. So if you have the Antaryamin and can talk with Him, then, ‘You’, the part is following the will of the whole or the Divine will. So it is not enough if you are willing to follow the Divine will, you must know what the Divine will is, what the will is of the higher consciousness, without which you are like a bird fallen of the pack.


You are in fact an orphan. The Antaryamin is the Whole, and to have the Antaryamin means you are in touch with the whole. The whole of human consciousness put together is more than the individual’s consciousness. It is not 1 + 1 = 2 but it is 1 +1 = 4. That is what is “Synergetic emergence”. Hydrogen and oxygen fuse to form water, whose properties are totally and fundamentally different from hydrogen and oxygen. This emerging consciousness is called God or Cosmic consciousness. And this cosmic consciousness is what is the Antaryamin.


The Antaryamin is you inner guide and your supreme friend who can guide you and protect you. Today many a time you are in conflict. What is right and wrong? what is good and bad? You unable to decide this. Even when you decide, many times you regret your decisions. But when the Antaryamin is awakened, you will exactly know how to respond to every situation of life. At every step you will have someone to guide you, on whom you can trust and who accepts you exactly as you are. And also when you have the Antaryamin, enlightenment is very easy.


So until now we have seen what is the Antaryamin and why do you need an Antaryamin. Now I will tell you how the awakening of the Antaryamin actually happens. Basically in our society, the kind of schooling, education and life style one has, you are not allowed to experience and express your emotions. You are quite suppressed. That is why some have difficulty in getting in touch with their Antaryamin. So once you have got in touch with your suppressed emotions and if you invite the Antaryamin with your whole heart, it will awaken in you in the way it chooses or in the form you desire. To have the Antaryamin is the natural state of Man, it is your birthright; it is just like breathing or digesting. In the Ancient days everybody was in touch with their Antaryamin. There were tribes in Africa a hundred years ago, who where in direct communion with their Antaryamin. They lived a wonderful life. All that you must do is, from your heart, with emotion, with great feeling and with a bond, a liking, you must invite the Antaryamin and then it will awaken in you. It is not at all difficult. You think it is difficult and have all kinds of wrong perceptions. The Antaryamin is not bothered about what kind of a person you are. The Antaryamin is your friend and so doesn’t judge you or condemn you. All it wants is that you invite it with a feeling and a bond.


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